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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Royal bride exudes success; was not sidetracked by past

Meghan Markle kept her eyes on the prize and now is an African American/British princess.

If there's a takeaway I've gleaned from Saturday's royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, it's the notion that you should not get hampered by the past, but keep pushing forward with a smile. Her ancestors were slaves, but now she's Her Royal Highness.

At 36, Markle has become the bride of Prince Harry and gained respect, notoriety, and fortune. She was walked down the aisle by a prince, too. With her presentation, all things are deemed possible in the Universe, depending on fate and determination.

And even though I didn't get a chance to go to the wedding, I experienced it on television and via messages from my friend in England who also sent me a picture of the dessert she enjoyed to celebrate the royal nuptials while visiting her mum in London.

Lemon drizzle cake, blueberries, and homemade apricot and strawberry compote were enjoyed by regular citizens at home during the wedding ceremony.

I also received a copy of the wedding program of The Royal Highness Prince Harry of Wales and Ms. Markle which I'm going through presently. 

Will update later.

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