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Monday, July 20, 2015

2015: Civil War, KKK, and Civil Rights in focus

Epoch Producing Co. theatrical poster, public domain
This year marks an anniversary of terror and hope.

In 2015, Confederate sympathizers mark decades of hate, terror, and white supremacy philosophy with new attempts to rally believers.

One hundred and fifty years ago signaled the end of 620,000 soldiers losing their lives on US soil in the American Civil War which was fought over the issue of slavery. Immediately after the fighting ended, the Ku Klux Klan organized violent attacks against blacks, but the organization did not become a multi-million-member organization until 100 years later with the release of the movie "The Birth of a Nation" in 1915.

Another watershed moment occurred this year when nine-members of a Charleston, S.C. bible study group were killed by a Confederate/KKK sympathizer, Dylann Roof.

President Obama delivered eulogy at Pinckney funeral where AME church leaders and mourners gathered.

2015 also marks great strides in Civil Rights with the passage of legislation signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. A speech that LBJ gave 50 years ago at Howard University speaks to our marching orders to fulfill our mission of justice for every U.S. citizen.  

Watch this monumental speech "To Fulfill These Rights" at:

End racism, promote justice: 

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