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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Class conflicts from a moral perspective: a reporter's opinion


"...for ALL have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)....God shows no partiality" (Romans 2:11) "...the same Lord is Lord of ALL and bestows His riches upon ALL who call upon Him" (Romans 10:12)
"...many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” (Mark 10:31)

"All men are created equal"
---U.S. Declaration of Independence
"...equal protection of the laws" ---14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The Repubs. have accused President Obama of fueling class warfare by condoning Buffett-like tax relief - making the rich pay as much as the poor in taxes. According to Wikipedia, "tensions due to competing socioeconomic interests can take the form of cheap labor; deaths from poverty, starvation or unsafe working conditions; coercion, such as the threat of losing a job or pulling an important investment...The conflict can be open, as with a labor lockout, or hidden, as with an informal slowdown in production protesting low wages or unfair labor practices."

These conflicts are often defined, monitored, and carried out by the ruling class, i.e. the rich. The rich are now saying that it is unfair for them to be taxed the same way middle and poor income groups are taxed. I say that our entire economic system is based on a series of entitlements for the wealthy. Perhaps the most egregious forms of economic class warfare deals with the different pricing schemes on goods and services for those who can pay IN CASH and those who can't.

Another tactic is to give the rich better interest rates on loans based on their good credit scores. The system of awarding the rich for "good credit" harms those who are of meager financial means and have poor credit from getting good "deals" on homes, cars, and appliances. These sort of DISCOUNTS foment economic, class conflicts.

The wealthy are given deep "discounts" in life. Many celebrities do not pay for lavish weddings (The Kardashians), or for clothes, jewelry, and other sundries when they give their endorsements. Some can buy their way out of military service. Others can get off in our courts from committing horrific crimes because they can afford high priced lawyers. Justice is not equal in America.

If you can pay CASH for something, you can be rewarded with a discounted price. If you don't have the money, you will be charged an exorbitant interest rate to be paid over time. This can lead to disastrous outcomes for those who don't have the money to buy a home and are in hock to banks for 15-30 years or more. This is akin to sharecroppers getting in debt to the company or country store and virtually having nothing at the end of growing season and often owing money after the "accounting" was made.

Undeception's website identifies Jesus as an "equal opportunity savior." People of faith should take His equality mantra to heart. Imposing economic equality before God, under the U.S. Constitution, and within the U.S. Declaration of Independence should be one and the same. If these ideals were truly adopted, class conflicts in the U.S. would cease. If these were adhered to, the world would be a better place.

©2011 Tomi Johnson. All rights reserved.

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