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Monday, June 19, 2023

On Juneteenth: a not to be uttered poem


I said I wasn't gonna celebrate Juneteenth,

the day slaves were eventually freed by U.S. government officials in 1865.

I said I wasn't even going to acknowledge this day because so many fights and shooting have erupted today,

and some people say we have nothing to celebrate anyway because we're still not free but indebted to banks, the tax man and the boss man who happens to be supreme,

And racists say black folks didn't contribute anything to civilization and shouldn't be studied, especially not in America,

and the lies go on and on...and the rhetoric turns into arguments, and nobody wins or is free from prejudice or war,

But I've got to say something, do something, not just let it pass.

Today I remember being told as a journalist to rewrite a script as if I were white, to perform the impossible that would be broadcast all over a Commonwealth.

When trying to get more blacks hired at my job, finding "An application for Niggers" in my company mailbox,

Of having to pile camera cases in front of my motel door for fear the Chamber of Commerce head would break it down and drag me to my death,

Of having my son's middle school principal tell me she could not tell his Social Studies teacher to take down a gigantic Confederate flag from the classroom wall, even though it was creating psychological harm, because it was the teacher's classroom;

Having my husband's HOA presidency overturned last year by the former board who repealed, in my opinion, democracy at the sub political level...

Of the police chief telling me not to let my recording of the police/community discussion group meeting be leaked to the public,

And a myriad of other injustices too numerous to mention...

These things didn't happen to slaves; it happened to me in the 20th and 21st centuries. 

So, should I still celebrate freedom in 2023? Am I free?

Only in my mind.


"Very, Very interesting ! ! !"

" I can not understand racism.  The person, their values, actions beliefs, is who they are, not the color of their skin."


  1. Very strong and true words!

  2. You should celebrate that they can’t deny your existence, no matter what.


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