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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Vows, prayers, and pledges made at Boston Marathon Massacre memorial service

An ideals race continues in America, according to U.S. President Barack Obama and faith leaders speaking at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. How we help others will determine how quickly we heal from the Boston Marathon Massacre.

Met with silence when he greeted the sorrowing crowd with "Hello Boston," Obama said holy scriptures command us to "run with endurance the race set before us." He remembered Patriot's Day 2013 as idyllic, in a perfect state of grace. He said two bombs shattered some dreams but should not destroy our resolve.

"We are measuring our losses but here to reclaim our state of grace," Obama said. "What happened on Monday is personal."

Obama said the injured would run again and the fallen had completed their race into eternity.  Beautiful and noisy, 29 year old Krystle Campbell's death was described as senseless. Martin Richard, 8, only wanted peace and "No more hurting people." Mathematician/statistician Lingzi Lu, 23, was a Chinese student with shared humanity.

"They picked the wrong city to terrorize," Obama concluded. "As we run, hold those close to us who have been taken. May God continue to watch over these United States of America."

Other words of comfort from ceremony notes:
For those who question what appears to be an inactive God, He is here and still alive amidst tragedy . Our resilient, gritty God is still relevant in our violent, weary world. Rev. Liz Walker

Boston's symbolism was attacked during an event which reminded us of Greek marathons in ancient times. Evil reared up and innocents became victims of brutality. Bombs cannot crush the American spirit.  We are a community in the household of God... Thank God for all who responded unselfishly. Metropolitan MethodiosGreek Orthodox Church of Boston

It is still a good morning because we are together. Adversity nor challenges will defeat us. Hatred stirs up strife but love covers up sins.  The event showed courage at work. Doors and hearts opened. Valor was in the streets. Nothing can defeat the heart of the city because we take care of one another. It's a glorious thing...the love for our city. Mayor Thomas Menino

At the finish line are people of sturdy stuff. Run and do not grow weary; walk and do not faint. At the race were people running toward mayhem to help, becoming sacraments of mercy.  Good Samaritans going towards stiffening bodies. From our tower, we see pain far from being healed, but we are thankful for sacraments of blessing. We are shaken but not forsaken. Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

I am grateful for inspired leadership and see grief among the craters. Our world is a narrow bridge. Transcend somehow your fear. God, grant consecration and healing, power, courage, goodness, love. We turn to You for well being and peace. Jewish Rabbi

I was shocked, horrified, just like I was when I saw a bomb go off in Damascus when I was nine years old. When I became a U.S. citizen, I  pledged to defend the nation against foreign and domestic enemies. We must renew our pledge of service.  We need solidarity from around the world and an instinctive oath to act with our common humanity. Our prayer: God, welcome the innocent into heaven and strengthen those left hurting.  Muslim Nasser Wedaddy

Wickedness exists, but we have a hedge around us placed by God Himself. God is in control. Elevate our eyes and place tragedy into a higher context...gravitate to the throne of Infinite Good. Joy will come in the morning.  Be reminded that a mysterious power lets dark energy penetrate our world but always ends up good because the light cannot be extinguished. This crucifixion has released much good and inspires us to pray, console, unite, run to God... we are children of eternity finding solace in spiritual humility. We pray for grace to look beyond this suffering, to rise and become spiritually agile. God has not forsaken Boston, the U.S., or us. God, strengthen our faith and bless us all. Rev. Roberto Mirando

Blessed are the poor in spirit....Sacred offerings have been made...never lose sight of your future and be comforted by God.  The Massachusetts's license plate reads, "The spirit of America.".....look at us and now see the true spirit of America. Bishop John Borders III

Pope Francis sends love and support and tells us to combat evil with good. We have shock, pain, and are reliving 9/11, but we are together now. When summoned by great events, we become ennobled and claim solidarity. It shakes us out of complacency and builds our society with love and justice. Revere the common good, promote a culture of life, serve others. We must repair our broken world together; that is our task. In dying, we are born to eternal life. Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley

My faith teaches to defy logic and in all things be thankful. Monday I just was not feeling it.  Then I started a list of all the things and people I am thankful for which is long and unending. Instinctive kindness. Only light can drive out darkness.  On Patriot's Day, we were suppose to be joyous at the end of winter, joyous with patriotism. Massachusetts started America. We are organized around civic ideals defined over time, ending in fair play. Our values were attacked, but we must still love.  Grace this tragedy exposed is the best of who we are. Gov. Deval Patrick

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