Note: One online follower emailed the following message in response to
my post concerning the NAACP and activism of civil rights organizations
surrounding the Trayvon Martin case. I have highlighted certain points of interest.
You said it!

Photo: My nephew, Doug Smith, II, eating Skittles
When the crack epidemic grew out of hand throughout the 80's in 1988, I had a spiritual awakening that revealed to me that our people are not just the victims of a alcohol/drug infiltrated environment, but the true reality is we've been & some cases still are victimized by what can be deemed as "chemical warfare." So, yes I concur with Jesse's comment to that effect, which is why I've seriously disapproved of the reckless conduct exemplified by Oprah, P. Diddy, Tyler Perry, Jay-Z, Magic Johnson, Denzel Washington etc, etc. in terms of how they "invest" when it's us that have always been & still are their #1 fans/supporters! For instance, as a truck driver I've been to many of Magic Johnson's 50% owned Starbucks he "had" scattered throughout southern Calif. & I don't want to elaborate on who I detected to be 90% of the employees pursuant to most of the ones I visited from 2006 to 2010.. (SMH)
My same nephew years later wearing a hoodie.
With regards to young people walking out of their classes, I believe it sends a very credible message to the system & I strongly recommend that they stay on course with that, because isn't it a failed education system that got us where we are today? Isn't it a failed education/ “system” that cost Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, James Anderson & Sgt. Manual Loggins, etc, etc, etc. their lives? Think about it.. In other words, what is the system teaching "children," that's going to have a strong impact on their future in terms of "how they view and respect others that are ethnically different?" Or are they teaching our children in terms of working towards or even imagining their "independence?"
Are they teaching them that Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan,
Solomon Bros, Lehman Bros, Wall Street, etc & this entire US economy was
built from the enslavement of their ancestors? Is the US education
system teaching them the truth about how the Greeks acquired their
understanding of theology from what they learned from the Egyptians? Are they
teaching them the truth as to how climate is the sole factor that determines
whether a human being has pale colored skin or dark brown colored skin? Are
they teaching them that 95% of the people of African descent in Cuba, the
Caribbean, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, the US & Haiti were forced to
this part of the world during the same era known as the "Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade" & violence and death was the primary weapons used to
enslave them? Are they teaching children of African descent that their
ancestors paid tax dollars from the beginning of the tax idea to 1970 &
during that time-frame this system created or expanded civil service jobs, such
as the fire dept, police dept, dept. of water and power, post office etc &
because of the "skin color" of their ancestors they were totally
barred from being employed in "any" civil service position, but yet
their tax dollars were used to pay the salaries and retirement for those civil
service/government employees?
The answer is NO because the
education system is just as "ethnic biased or skin color
based" today as it was in the 50's and it will remain that way well into
the future because it has worked to the "system's" advantage. And the
ideology is why fix or change something, that will reconfigure your power base.
Until we establish a vertical structure that's specific to our needs as an "ethnic group," that's seemingly being targeted from every imaginable direction in this part of the globe, nothing will change. I live in Calif. where we're only 6.8% of a populace of 30 + mill @ 40% white, 37% Mexican 13% asian and I can assure you the "new deal" is not at all in our corner...
Until we establish a vertical structure that's specific to our needs as an "ethnic group," that's seemingly being targeted from every imaginable direction in this part of the globe, nothing will change. I live in Calif. where we're only 6.8% of a populace of 30 + mill @ 40% white, 37% Mexican 13% asian and I can assure you the "new deal" is not at all in our corner...
Most have no feelings, whatsoever
for how Trayvon was brutally murdered and the fact that his killer
wasn't arrested & still allowed to retain the murder weapon.. The "new
deal" isn't feeling that... This "new deal" doesn't have the
level of intelligence to know that whenever you migrate to another country you
automatically bare the burden of that country's history.. So what am I saying?
And I'm certain that many of us will say "I know some whites, Mexicans &
asians and they're good caring people!" OK, but what about the ones you
don't know??? What I'm saying is the last time I checked the USA was a
democratic country, meaning that the "majority rules" and what
millions of us are apparently missing, is that the majority of whites in this
country don't have any compassion whatsoever for the condition that we're in!
The majority of Mexicans do not
give a hoot about our condition! The majority of asians do not care
diddly squat about us! And for those of us who can't see that, you're
looking but you're not seeing! Those of us whom believe otherwise, something is
wrong with how you’re perceiving reality! So you ask what's my point? My point
is, based on the configuration of this multicultural, rainbow-ism, cesspool of
hell madness we're in the mist of our future, as a people is at risk today
& the future of our children will be at a greater risk, based on the design
of this "capitalistic system" that's telling us loudly that it has a
"new deal" and people of African descent are expendable, because I
control all of the resources! We don't need you anymore! And what makes it
even "uglier" is their message is being sent to us with the first
Black president in office! How ugly is that??!!
We should be aware now, that it's always been a #'s game, which is why they've always been trigger happy towards taking us out or locking us up. In some sense we can view our situation as being; "locked in, locked out & locked up." That said, in my solemn view we'll continue to lose until we embrace ourselves on every level for our survival & to make positive gains that solidify our future for total "independence." Aren't we tired of being hit over & over again with "ugly uncivilized behavior?" Trayvon Martin's case & the way it's being handled is almost as "ugly" as it gets! The "ugliness" towards us is here to stay because it's being taught to the youth at this very moment & we all know, what the youth are taught today will be manifested tomorrow. We're being controlled today by adults carrying out the lies they were taught yesterday...
Lastly, if I had the resources, helping my people become "independent" would be my 2nd priority. We need to all get in-tune with Dr. Claud Anderson's Powernomics & Inappropriate Behavior lectures etc. which are on YouTube... It's also important for us to tell our children that the resources used to propel 2/3rds of this world's economy is being extracted from southwest, central, southeast & southern Africa which is another reason why they'd like us to disappear... Now, if you think their level of "greed over need isn't ‘ugly’ think again…”
Bro Malcolm
We should be aware now, that it's always been a #'s game, which is why they've always been trigger happy towards taking us out or locking us up. In some sense we can view our situation as being; "locked in, locked out & locked up." That said, in my solemn view we'll continue to lose until we embrace ourselves on every level for our survival & to make positive gains that solidify our future for total "independence." Aren't we tired of being hit over & over again with "ugly uncivilized behavior?" Trayvon Martin's case & the way it's being handled is almost as "ugly" as it gets! The "ugliness" towards us is here to stay because it's being taught to the youth at this very moment & we all know, what the youth are taught today will be manifested tomorrow. We're being controlled today by adults carrying out the lies they were taught yesterday...
Lastly, if I had the resources, helping my people become "independent" would be my 2nd priority. We need to all get in-tune with Dr. Claud Anderson's Powernomics & Inappropriate Behavior lectures etc. which are on YouTube... It's also important for us to tell our children that the resources used to propel 2/3rds of this world's economy is being extracted from southwest, central, southeast & southern Africa which is another reason why they'd like us to disappear... Now, if you think their level of "greed over need isn't ‘ugly’ think again…”
Bro Malcolm
Dr. Darity said: "I largely agree with much of this, but I'm really unsure how black folks set up this separate and independent (uncontaminated and without cooptation) infrastructure that the author has in mind."