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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Euphoria from State of the Union speech turns to failed expectations in the light of day

(From President's speech, "An America Built to Last")

"Go, Barack, you tell 'em," melted into the feeling, "What could I have been thinking last night," as I stood in the Career Fair line the day after the President of the United States claimed that things were getting better, economically speaking.

"Many companies are refraining from making major hiring decisions until after the 2012 Presidential election," said Carl Walker, an employment counselor with the Georgia Department of Labor. "They are waiting to see how the election will impact their businesses, from a regulation and tax viewpoint." His message didn't make being unemployed more bearable.

The Career Fair, billed as a Diversity Hiring Expo, had hundreds of well-dressed, well-educated people waiting in line with high hopes of starting another job. My husband met the organizer who was making copies at Kinko's the night before the fair. "Know anyone looking for a job? Tell them to come to the Fair tomorrow. They will be hiring, no joke," he said. Instead, I was disappointed to find employers were only hiring for entry level positions, looking for military recruits and insurance sales people.

Oh, yeah, colleges and training companies were on the scene in full force, trying to get the already over-educated to sign up for retraining classes.

Boeing was giving out toy airplanes, mints, and ink pins. Home Depot was giving out bags with their name emblazoned on them for you to use at the grocery store. No one was available to talk about the status of recently posted resumes or the availability of management positions. Insurance agents were looking for people to sell "protection" or buy into long term investment accounts. The military was looking for young men and women and trying to find out where the next fair was going to be.

All the applicants were dressed for success, except for one woman who had left the sales tag on the bottom of her shoe where you could see it. She probably left it there in anticipation of returning the pair should she not land a job.

I believe these "fairs" are unfair because they give people hope that they may be blessed with a job based on their resume, experience, and personal appearance. Unfortunately, that doesn't cut it in today's job market.

"Job fairs really don't do anything," my daughter told me when I voiced my disappointment. "Job fairs are a waste of time," my son said. Both are under 30 and employed. And finding work at the employment office is just about the same scenario. I'm worn out from being let down.

And what do I think of Obama's late night exuberance now? One economist has already told me that he thinks Obama lacks courage and timidity, pushes notions of black dysfunctionality in stump speeches, fosters lukewarm jobs plans, is not meeting the needs of Americans in the current jobs crisis, and has a shallow or empty ethical core.

Something has got to give.

I would like to propose that we switch it up on taxes so we can take care of the deficit..let those who make over $1 million pay 33% in taxes, and those who make less pay 15%!

©2012 Article by Tomi Johnson. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon Jackson wrote: I hope everyone got inspired.  Listen to Al Sharpton on MSMBC.  He's on at 6 pm our time.  Love him!


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