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Monday, August 17, 2015

Leo Frank, only Jew lynched in U.S. - 100 years later

"Leo-frank-at-trial" by Via Licensed under Public Domain via Commons
Even after the governor intervened, Leo Frank, a pencil manufacturing manager, was hung in Marietta, Ga. Frank was the only Jew lynched in the United States that we know about. Frank's throat was slashed by another Milledgeville Prison inmate. Then he was taken from his cell by an angry mob to where an audience of men, women, and children stood ready to watch the spectacle. He then was hung with a superior court judge standing by, and his body and face were smashed after he was cut down. None of the lynching accounts said whether Frank was castrated or burned.

A stain was left in Cobb County, Ga. after the Knights of Mary Phagen (the KKK) killed Frank by hanging.  Frank was lynched at midnight on August 17, 1915 for allegedly raping and killing a 13 year old girl employed at the factory. After the Frank lynching, it was reported that around half of Georgia's 3,000 Jews left the state. With the Klan vowing to rise again, one wonders whether there are enough Jews or law enforcement to prevent this type of thing happening again.

People have also been spotted wearing confederate clothing in Europe this week.
Side note: Saturday, on a Cobb County Street, I passed a road construction worker wearing a confederate flag scarf around his neck which I felt was highly inappropriate to wear to work. I saw a restaurant employee last week wearing a stars and bars t-shirt which I also felt was inappropriate. Walking into a local package store, I passed by the entrance display featuring "Dixie" liquor which soured my stomach.

I definitely feel that there is a resurgence of the KKK movement, and nothing is being done about it because politicians feel that they are prohibited from doing anything against one's free speech, although others feel that the confederate flag is a terrorist symbol.

To learn more about Leo Frank, go to:

1 comment:

  1. There is a mountain of evidence proving that Leo Frank is guilty. The Frank forces tried to pin the crime on the Black night watchman, Newt Lee, using a planted bloody shirt. Then they planted fake evidence (a bloody club and pay stub) trying to implicate the Black sweeper, Jim Conley. The Frank forces were caught faking this evidence in 1913, and no one then or now disputes that it was faked.

    These are not the acts of an innocent man.

    They are still trying to convince people that Conley did it. Conley had just been paid more than five times what Mary Phagan had in her purse. They want us to believe he killed her for $1.20. Sure he did.

    And Conley would have had to kill her right next to the unlocked front door, in the highest-traffic part of the building, where anyone could walk in at any time, and where several people had walked by in just the last few minutes -- and within 30 feet of his boss. Wow, what a plausible story.

    Besides the victim, there were only four people in the building. And three of them obviously didn't do it. That leaves Leo Frank.

    See the American Mercury's article, "100 Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty" for all the details.


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