Sirata Beach Resort, St. Pete Beach, Fla...Members of The World Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Federation decided to travel from it headquarters in Piqua, Ohio to celebrate the life of Grandmaster Frank Grant by hosting the 2013 WSKF Internationals on the beach, July 22-24.
Grant, born the ninth of twelve children in Paris, Ky., is presently Chairman of the Board of WSKF. "He, his students and his student's - students
have raised thousands of karate-ka through the ranks and degrees of
Matsubayashi-ryu Shorin-ryu, worldwide," according to the organization's website.
Grant's soon to be published book, My Promise to the Master written with Jeff Slutsky, is a tribute to his teacher, Japanese Karate Master Shoshin Nagamine.
Grant poses with Kurk, Daniel, Tomi, Ayron, and Ilea Johnson of Atlanta WingChun in Marietta, Ga. ( |
Hanshi Frank Grant's new book, "My Promise To The Master" has just been released. Find at or