We'll all need new street clothes if violence continues.
(Photo by Ayron Johnson, costume by Daniel Johnson) |
When my lawyer friend asked me last night what I was going to write
about in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's killer, George
Zimmerman, my first response was, "There's nothing else to be said and
nothing else can be done. Trayvon's time for reincarnation has passed. Even a
civil suit will gain nothing since Zimmerman has no assets. Rioting will
only put more of us in the morgue."
It appears MLK's character dream has been trampled
in the mud underneath Trayvon's body. Some are predicting a race war on
the horizon, but not the one foreseen with whites fighting
blacks....this one could be browns fighting browns. Didn't Hispanic
George Zimmerman kill Black Trayvon Martin?
We can't just point the finger at others, especially
when we are killing ourselves. According to Ebony Magazine, Chicago's
Southside is becoming a killing ground for black on black
crime. (Chicago is President Barack Obama's hometown.) Other major cities - Washington, D.C., Detroit, etc. - are in the same shape.
People of color are facing a StarTrek-like Kobayashi
Maru, a no-win situation, also called a "lose-lose" situation. We have
freedom to choose what to do next, but no reaction will lead to a net
gain if we play the game as before.
The solution involves redefining the problem and having the balls to carry out an action plan.
Human life is not prized or valued as it should be, and man has not evolved from his
Cain/Able mentality. People are jealous of others and will take a life
easily, using the justice system as a crutch. In Zimmerman's case, he
killed Trayvon because he was walking in HIS neighborhood. Trayvon
insulted Zimmerman's manhood when faced with fist fight justice.
Trayvon was eliminated with one bullet to the heart with no chance
of survival.
2. Genocide is occurring, whether we want to admit
it or not. Powers see a need to decrease the population. Abortion,
murder, same sex marriage, are the result of this agenda.
3. Education denied leads to poverty and death. Trayvon was suspended
from school when he was killed. If not for that, he would have been in
Miami, not Sanford. As interest rates on college loans double, where
will youth who can't afford higher education be? How will they find jobs? How will
they pay back non-bankruptible loans?
4. No hope, no future. No faith, no God. Black
people have been worshipping preachers and being entertained in church
instead of organizing for war and protecting youth. Too many
entertainers and basketball players making too much money and not
solving problems. Too many youth not getting involved in the political
process because they are too busy playing video games and downing liquor
shots until daybreak.
What we need to do is work on this race problem from
a project management perspective, iteration by iteration. Make it a test students take in school from age five; how to save ourselves!
We need to
engage the most advanced project managers for this task and have it
supported by the government, financial and educational institutions, and the religious
We need to put a monetary benefit on this project. It needs to
be solved and can be solved by 2014. If we can send a man to the moon
in the '60's, bail out the banks, and catch Osama bin Laden, we can solve these 21st century human problems before a race war begins, but only
if a monetary imperative and win-win scenario evolves. It's all where you place your priorities. You get done what you want.
Stop F******* with the volume. Turn it up!