Photo provided by Sharon Roper Jackson |
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.'s members have come full circle. When they were founded in 1913 at Howard University, one of their first acts was to support the Women's Suffrage Movement. They converged on the nation's Capitol from every state on March 3, 2013 to support voting rights and continue the celebration of their organization's centennial.
The theme for their latest march: "Tracing the footsteps of our founders."
Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander - June 1921 |
One of their heroines is co-founder Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander, the first black to receive a Ph.D in economics in the U.S. who also was the first woman to receive a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. One of Alexander's famous quotes documented in the
Philadelphia Daily News was,
"In a large system, your shining examples cannot just be islands unto themselves."
Deltas are members of the second major Greek sorority founded by African
American women on a U.S. campus. The thrust of their service is to help
communities by managing projects aimed at educational, economic, and
political development.
Sharon Roper Jackson poses in front of Capitol, giving the pyramid sign. |
To learn more about this non-profit, go to: http://www.deltasigmatheta.org/home.htm.
Deltas marched in parade while Voting Rights Act was being debated in the U.S. Supreme Court. Photo provided by Sharon Roper Jackson |
Alexander photo credit:
Thomas said: The Voting Rights Act being discussed in the Supreme Court is an attempt to take us back to states rights which is what the Republicans have been trying to do, this is another form of racism, if it ain’t broke then you can’t fix it.