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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black History Month Tribute

Focus on accomplishments of family, friends and neighbors.

Whether you label it Black History Month or African-American History Month, February marks 28 days of highlighting achievements of U.S. citizens whose contributions to society are often ignored. Heralding black achievements should be done every day of the year!

This month puts the spotlight on the heroes and sheroes who achieved against great odds. Scientists, community activists, educators, religious leaders, and business people are just a few professions of this elite group.

Lessons learned from their history speak to the strength of a people who have "gotten over" and lived with high moral character, clinging to their ideals.

We look back so we can move forward. People of all races and persuasions can identify with the same spirit which defines winners! That, in a nutshell, is why Black History Month can be celebrated by all.

I would like to pay homage to my grandfather, the late James Luther Daniels of Elkins, W.Va. who was a husband and father to eight children.  Seven of his issue graduated from college during and after the depression, at a time when only 8% of African Americans received college diplomas.

My grandfather helped my mother and her siblings achieve by working three jobs, buying and renting real estate, and urging them to serve in the military.

What African American from the past would you like to recognize? Please comment and post their picture.

Caption: James Luther Daniels, former U.S. Postal Worker from Elkins, W.Va.
©2011 Tomi Johnson. All rights reserved.

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