Lift up God’s good mission and be your brother’s keeper.
Dwell together under God.
Overcome the world.
Entreat God’s power with your voice and actions.
Distain hate but continue to protest injustice.
Image a peaceful world.
Extremes should not be allowed to defeat us.
Watch what you say and how you say it.
Be introspective to save souls.
Shift focus and priorities.
Don’t be too late. Take the chance to promote a peaceful, sustainable world.
Eliminate violence and truly care for one another.
Harness your drive for power, racism, and militarism.
Preserve our civilization.
Shirk off the chain of violence.
Shift from chaos to community with love.
Become love-centered instead of power centered.
Speak truth to power in love.
Be free at last.
Praise God and bless His name.
Be summoned by holy men, even in virtual spaces.
Stand up for righteous, even in the face of death.
Have the faith of your forefathers.
Stand together. Pray. Let’s stay together.
Do everything in God’s name. Don’t live in vain.
Unite for equality.
Link peace and justice together.
Be inspired by John Lewis, Ralph Bunche, and MLK.
Move on to make our world what it should be, and don’t rest.
Charge ahead.
Be hopeful.
Don't be deterred by obstacles. |
Triumph over fear and hatred.
Subdue revenge and aggression.
Have goodwill as your righteous stand.
Men are powerless without God, so seek God’s help.
End racial discrimination by non-violent means.
Have one heart in love and humbleness.
Have the same mindset of Jesus and others who follow God’s laws.
Know that nobody is safe unless everyone is safe.
Be empathetic.
Be connected to the world and its problems.
Make peace, lay down arms, construct the peace through reconciliation and patience. Heal wounds.
Avoid war through an ongoing process of peace and prevent individual atrocities.
Remember we live in One house, on One planet, and are One human family. Have empathy for others.
Shirk trauma and drama.
Have clear mission and vision in the midst of fear. Don’t be distracted but love one another.
Practice non-violence.
Have a stirred conscience.
End racism, economic exploitation, and militarism.
Lift your eyes to the hills, to God, our strength and help.
Have an ecumenical revolution of values.
Shun bitterness. Demand better.
Expand the walk for justice to include everyone.
Reform the criminal justice system.
Reimagine the church. Leave the sanctuary. Go to the streets. Don’t just support movements started in the church. Repent. Live out a new day of righteousness.
Learn the facts to demand justice in all areas of human activity. |
Strengthen the backbone of the nation. Livable wage, student loans, and gentrification need to be resolved.
Don’t be complacent. Lead with truth.
Don’t be silenced by the ungodly.
Be rededicated to create a better world for ourselves and our children.
Don’t bend before tyrants.
Hold up all civil rights leaders - past, present and future and their views on moving forward.
It will take not one of us but all of us to make positive changes.
Heed the call of a challenging cause.
There will probably never be another MLK, so all of us must continue the cause collectively.
Opposition is not fair and often we face insurmountable odds.
We are stalked by giants, but work it out.
House the poor and promote social and economic justice.