Slow down. Be careful. |
According to the driver of this upturned car, this is his first major accident. What a bummer. One ambulance was seen speeding away with a victim, while the two drivers walked away. I saw what just happened around 1 p.m. as I was leaving the grocery store.
The woman who walked away from the accident was wearing a small gold cross necklace, and she says she doesn't go anywhere without it! |
The woman he hit said he ran the red light, and she's lucky to be alive. It happened in Cobb County on Highway 92 at a busy QT intersection.
The accident stopped traffic in all directions, and I circled around through a parking lot so I could share these pictures. |
One policeman at the scene said it could have ended differently. To God be the glory! A friend of mine was not so lucky last Friday - he died in a motorcycle accident. Stay focused when you're driving, and count your blessings when you get home.